April 10, 2012

A catch up - Part 2

It's taken me longer than I wanted to write part 2 of the catch up but again life has been busy and it seems that it may stay this way for quite a while yet!

Last time I left you with the beautiful pictures of Florence and very quickly went over the make up and hair trial I had.

I think I should elaborate a little more on that at least to give the girls some proper credit, although of course there will be no pictures as the final result is a secret! I know I said they were amazing but in total each girl spent 2 hours with me, that's right 2 hours EACH (it takes me 20 min to get ready to go out so no it is not usual for me!). Nadine and her team, in this case a lovely lady called Kim, know their stuff, they make you feel super comfortable, are really bubbly and more importantly - and this is the hardest bit - they made me feel beautiful. No easy feat I can tell you! So thanks girls, I am happy to have found you! Nadine, I hope you got that Pinterest and Blog going we talked about!

Now I know that by now we have all probably forgotten the beautiful sunshine and hot days we had last week but I have something to remind me of it. A couple of week ends ago we had a BBQ, the first of the year and it was totally amazing, so much so that I took some pics to share with you. Here is what we had: sausages, chicken - marinated in olive oil, lemon, sea salt and spices -corn on the cob and the amazing potato salad that we keep copying from our Rome trip (with tomatoes, capers, red onions and olives, total YUM).

We cooked the corn cobs inside along with the coals and it made them super yummy! Add some butter and salt and Bob's your uncle!

To wash it all down we had some Caipirinhas! A lot of it in fact...too much? Nah there is never a case of too much Caipirinha! For those of you who do not know what Caipirinha is, it is basically sugar and lime beat together, crushed ice and that is topped up with an alcohol called Cachaca. Totally delicious and due to the sugar you don't realise you are basically drinking pure alcohol...dangerous stuff, but amazing! However, we are pathetic and by 6pm we went for a nap...I know, I know complete loosers...

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