April 30, 2012

Wordpress blog

I have created a new blog on Wordpress. In fact that's kind of wrong, I have exported this blogger's post to a new one on Wordpress but it the same content/blog as this one.

The reason why I have done this is that unfortunately I don't feel that blogger works very well on the iPad and as it will be on the iPad that I will be blogging from it makes sense to swap. I can be however a creature of habits and I did get used to my blog here, it does have a special please in my heart. So I will be keeping this blog but I will be using the other for new posts. Please start following me on Wordpress from now. This is a test and I will see how it goes in the next few weeks, I may find myself coming back running!

The new link for littlebitsofnice is http://littlebitsofnice.wordpress.com/

I hope you enjoy this new temporary, or not, home. I would very much appreciate your thoughts on it! A similar post to this will be added to the site and you can leave your comments either here or there.See you on the other side!


April 24, 2012

Our week with my mother

So my mother came and went. We had a lovely week all 3 of us together and although Christoph and I worked for a lot of the week we managed to get sometime off to spend time with her.

On Sunday we went to Knutsford, which is a super cute place south of Manchester and we had an amazing meal in a "real English" pub - as my mum kept saying! We had a little walk around and she bought us a calendar thing made of wood that you change the numbers to make the dates. Christoph and I decided to have a countdown to the wedding going instead of a normal calendar! It is both good and bad as it is exciting to see the numbers go down but at the same time it can be really daunting as it is so close now and there are still things to be done!

Wedding day countdown
On Thursday morning we went into town and mum spoiled Christoph rotten! She bought him the most beautiful shoes for the wedding and another pair just because! We then went to my wedding dress shop and although my mum said hundreds of times that she would not cry it took her less than a second to burst into tears when she saw me in my dress! Silly mum :) It was lovely as we got to choose accessories together and have a real girlie time and I have to say she was really supportive and respected my decisions. Very glad I waited for her to come to do those little bits!We then went on to have lunch out, got a bit tipsy and had a nap back at the flat in the late pm!

Friday morning Christoph's parents arrived and we went to Tatton Park which was lovely, although it was raining and freezing! Our parents got on really well which was a massive relief to both of us! Emails and telephone numbers were exchanged and Facebook friends made.

All in all a very successful week!

April 12, 2012

My mother and other things

So my mother is finally coming to see me. She is arriving this week end for 1 week and of course this means that Christoph and I have been running around since Tuesday every evening trying to tidy, clear and clean the house. We are getting there but let's just say that it's lucky she is arriving in the evening on Saturday...

We are going to the wedding dress shop so she can see me in my dress in person and to get some accessories :) then on Friday Christoph's parents are coming up to Manchester to meet her. This is the first time they meet...oh please please let it all go well! I'm shitting it if I am honest! Anyway moving on or I get stressed out if I think about it too much!

A part from that there are a few very exciting things happening at the moment but I can't talk about it here yet or out of here for that matter as nothing has been decided yet. Sorry I know I am being cryptic but I wanted to share the fact that I am very excited and happy about "it" and although you may not know why, hopefully you will  be happy anyway! And no I am not pregnant, calm down Alina (yes yes I know that's what you were thinking!) haha.

On a totally different topic I made an AMAZING banana loaf the other day. It was stunning, with walnuts and bits of chocolate. But I am really upset that I lost the blog I found it in and I can't find it again! I want to make it again and I can't, plus I can't give the person that made it the credit they deserve! As soon as I find it again I'll update this.

EDIT: I found it! Link on!


April 11, 2012

To us

Alina and I - Stockholm
I love this picture of my best friend Alina and I. This was taken when I went to visit her in Sweden a couple of years ago and she sent it to me today so I thought I'd share it here.

To us honey xx

April 10, 2012

A catch up - Part 2

It's taken me longer than I wanted to write part 2 of the catch up but again life has been busy and it seems that it may stay this way for quite a while yet!

Last time I left you with the beautiful pictures of Florence and very quickly went over the make up and hair trial I had.

I think I should elaborate a little more on that at least to give the girls some proper credit, although of course there will be no pictures as the final result is a secret! I know I said they were amazing but in total each girl spent 2 hours with me, that's right 2 hours EACH (it takes me 20 min to get ready to go out so no it is not usual for me!). Nadine and her team, in this case a lovely lady called Kim, know their stuff, they make you feel super comfortable, are really bubbly and more importantly - and this is the hardest bit - they made me feel beautiful. No easy feat I can tell you! So thanks girls, I am happy to have found you! Nadine, I hope you got that Pinterest and Blog going we talked about!

Now I know that by now we have all probably forgotten the beautiful sunshine and hot days we had last week but I have something to remind me of it. A couple of week ends ago we had a BBQ, the first of the year and it was totally amazing, so much so that I took some pics to share with you. Here is what we had: sausages, chicken - marinated in olive oil, lemon, sea salt and spices -corn on the cob and the amazing potato salad that we keep copying from our Rome trip (with tomatoes, capers, red onions and olives, total YUM).

We cooked the corn cobs inside along with the coals and it made them super yummy! Add some butter and salt and Bob's your uncle!

To wash it all down we had some Caipirinhas! A lot of it in fact...too much? Nah there is never a case of too much Caipirinha! For those of you who do not know what Caipirinha is, it is basically sugar and lime beat together, crushed ice and that is topped up with an alcohol called Cachaca. Totally delicious and due to the sugar you don't realise you are basically drinking pure alcohol...dangerous stuff, but amazing! However, we are pathetic and by 6pm we went for a nap...I know, I know complete loosers...

April 05, 2012


Driving for 4 hours after a full day of work...boring! I hate this drive, plus I'm a poo passenger (yea I'm not typing this and driving). I think with age I have now become the kind of person that with a bit of warmth and lull I fall asleep! Or I just play with my phone as I doing now, poor Christoph. Although just now I stopped writing and had a bit of a mad dance to Lykke Li's "I'm good, I'm gone" song - top song, have a listen it will perk you up straight away.

The moon looks awesome tonight folks so stop whatever you are doing and go outside, or have a little peek out of your window and take a moment.

(the pic doesn't give it justice but remember I took this on my phone ins moving car on a bumpy road...all things considered not bad!)