May 31, 2012

Has it been that long?!

Omg no way has it been nearly a month since my last post! Life has been mental - no surprise there you may say...however there has been some news since then.

Christoph and I have decided to move to Brighton!! In 3 weeks!! Yes, we have obviously completely lost the plot. Or we looooooove being super stressed out. It can go either way. Don't people say that organising a wedding and moving are the 2 most stressful things anyone can do? 

So there you have it. We have quit our jobs - did someone say recession? - and we are moving to Brighton. Maybe I have to explain this a bit better, 3 weeks is not exactly correct. We are leaving Manchester on the 23rd of June, so 3 weeks yes, but we are going to be staying with Christoph's parents for the 2 weeks leading to the wedding. We hope to then finish sorting everything out for it and find a place to live, i.e. drive down to Brighton and view a ridiculous amount of places in a ridiculously short amount of time. What can I say? We are optimists! And since we don't know what it means to not be tired,we may as well push ourselves as hard as we can! Right now I think it's a case of keep going because if we stop we won't start again! 

Bring on the honeymoon!!!!

May 05, 2012


I re-pinned this picture a few days ago and yesterday I sent it to my colleague Sand(o) to cheer her up.  As I was looking through my picture folder today I saw it again and it still made me laugh so much that I decided to post it here too.

If you are not a cat person you will probably not find this anywhere nearly as funny as I do. Christoph doesn't get it as he is a dog person (plus he is allergic to cats so fair enough). But I love cats, I have had many cats in my life - Ok I know this sounds bad but it's all circumstantial and it has nothing to do with how I cared for them - and my last cat, Biscuit, was mental.

Biscuit was special. My ex and I were living in Spain when we got him. He was this tiny flee infested ball of fur. We loved him straight away. Within a few days we knew he was going to be a terror as he was obviously totally feral. And so he proceeded to drive us absolutely bananas by doing everything we tried to teach him not to do.

Biscuit loved water and so used to love to slowly walk across any open taps at any given time. One night I woke up to a weird sound. It took me a while to realise that it was water. I was really confused because it wasn't raining and so I woke up my boyfriend - as you do - to go and check it out. As I was half asleep the next thing I remember is a huge noise, followed by the sound of water and a curse. I ran out of the bedroom only to find him lying flat on his back from having slipped on our lounge floor...our flooded lounge floor. It turned out that Biscuit, the clever devil, turned the tap on in the kitchen (it was one of those that you push up, it's not like he learned how to physically turn a tap on!) for a little cool- me down in the middle of a warm spanish night. We of course spent the next few hours trying to dry the floor and praying that the downstairs neighbours would not be knocking on our door to tell us that their flat's ceiling was leaking.

We shared so many more wonderful I'm going to kill you, you little bastard moments with Biscuit. Oh don't worry he is fine, living the high life in Wales at my ex's parents house, getting fat but just as incredibly and wonderfully mental as he ever was. And this thought makes me very happy :)

May 01, 2012

Guess what?

Yup, I am ill…again…I wonder how many times I have said that this year…
I have realised that there is nothing I can do as I am doing everything I can already, so there is no point in getting angry. Been there, done that and it only makes you feel worse.
To give my body some credit the weather has been shocking recently and I have been around 3 sick people in the past week and it has taken it this long to give up. So, in the spirit of fairness I shall say thank you body for trying.
And in the spirit of seeing the bright side I got my chest rubbed this morning by Christoph…ok it was to rub some Vicks in but hey a poorly girl needs to find happiness somewhere!
I will leave you with this beautiful image that my colleague Sandy sent me yesterday to cheer me up of herself and, of course, a banana.