March 28, 2012

A catch up - Part 1

Hey folks, 

I realised it had been days since my last post yesterday and I thought I'd remediate it immediately! I do have excuses though, if you want to hear? Right here goes!

For one thing life has been CRAZY busy! I had another one of my wedding panics and Christoph being Christoph was totally brilliant and just went with it when I woke him up in the morning after being awake for hours and started freaking out about all the things we still had to do. This was a few weeks ago and we have been going at it like mad people and we have done sooooooooo much! Every night we would come home and sort things out and spend a lot of money in the process!! But basically we are totally on track now and I feel much better about it all :) 

We have also gone down to Surrey a couple of weeks ago as Christoph's sister had a baby girl...OMG she is totally beautiful and I could hold her forever (which I kinda did that week end!). Just to prove my point here is a picture of her

Florence and me
This picture with me: Christoph and I were about to leave for our drive back to Manchester, I had been holding her before but I had put her down as she was sleepy, so I put my coat on and scarf and then Flo started crying so I went to pick her up (her dad was outside in the hot tub with their other little girl, her mum was trying to get some sleep up in one of the bedrooms and nana was looking after their little boy who was not feeling very well. I am looking at the TV by the way as Peter Pan was on) and she was all unhappy and cranky but then I put her on my chest and she fell asleep...omg my heart ached! I could have stayed sat there for the rest of my life. Amazing feeling. It is crazy how you feel about a child that is not even yours, I can only imagine how it will be like when it's my own. I will die of love. 

As you can probably tell by reading this, I am TOTALLY broody...

Right, moving on! Concentrate! So, that week end I also had my make up and hair trial, the girls were totally brilliant, lovely and so patient with me. It's all sorted now and it's so cool to actually put your own face on all of the ideas you have together along with the dress to get a the whole picture. So exciting!!! Talking about dress, my dress has arrived and I am going to the shop this Saturday to try it out and organise the fitting dates! I need to start thinking about accessories but I think I kind of know what I want already so I'm not worried about that! 

That's it for today on the catch up front, this is catch up number 1 and next time it will be catch up number 2 - oh yes there is more! But for now, I am going for a nice hot bath and get some snuggles in bed before falling asleep. 

Night night folks xx

March 19, 2012

Our printed hand-painted wedding invitations

Our invitations! Before they were sent to us the designer took some pictures and I thought I'd share it here with you - as my own pictures are notoriously bad!  

Wedding invitation
I am not sure if you remember but we had a little setback with them when our friend who was due to make them was burgled and so we had to change We are getting married on the 8th of July this year and we were late...really late. So we found someone, on Etsy of course!, and they came from the USA.

We had to compromise on the design as what we wanted was waaaaay to expensive and we had not budgeted anything for them as we were originally getting them for free. So we compromised and we simplified everything : less parts to it, the design is less folksy than we wanted, less of everything basically. But you know what? We love them.

The set is made of the heart invitations, RSVP postcards and information cards. We wanted them and the wording to feel very fun and relaxed as that is exactly how we want our wedding to be. I think we succeeded and we hope you love them as much as we do :)

March 13, 2012

Don't be afraid of change

I'm trying out a new blog design. I have realised that my blog makes me behave a little as if it was my home, in the sense that I LOVE moving furniture around, changing things, colours, patterns. I get huge urges to do this at home and it seems that I am now the same for my blog! Thinking about it I think I am like that for most things in my life.

I wonder if me getting an urge now to change the blog - and bits around the house - is part of a much bigger thing. I think the timing is very telling and the more I think about it, the more I believe that it is most definitely part of something deeper...something to think about. Anyway, let me know what you think! I think this one is quite cool really as you can choose as a reader how you want to see the blog with all the option on the top bar, from classic, magazine (possibly my favourite) to timeslide. I also really like the side bar that auto-hides.  Have a little play with it and see what you like best!

Overall a really interactive design that I am having fun with! For how long? Now that's a good question :)

March 10, 2012

How to get lovely waves

I found this out completely by accident, because I was late for work last Friday and I didn't have time/couldn't be bothered doing anything with my hair. Now, I have no idea if this is actually something everyone knows and I just think I have invented something which I totally haven't but it doesn't matter. If it works with my hair who has a mind of it's own it is my duty to tell anyone that might not know about this little trick!
 So, having been unintentionally successful with this  I decided to have another go to check it wasn't a fluke...
1 - Wash your hair and dry it until it's slightly damp (or slightly spray dry hair if you don't want/need to wash it!)

2 - Divide your hair in the middle as if you were going to make plaits. Twist your hair (before I do this I tend to put some anti-frizz gel on my hair)

3 - Roll the twisted bit of hair as if you were Princess Leia in Star Wars! Put a hair bobble to hold it together. It will droop like so above. Do the same to the other side.

4 - As I tend to do this in the morning, as that is when I wash my hair, and I need to go to work so I just put an Alice band on to pretend it is all on  purpose and part of the look! (you can also see just how frizz prone my hair is!)

5 - Remove the bobbles at the end of the day when you get back home et Voila! You can make them as relaxed as you want, here on the left they are quite tight as I had just removed it. But if you run your hand through it you can get to whichever point you like best, pic on right. They will also last through to the next day, even after sleeping on it, and still look beautiful.



March 07, 2012

Honeymoon in Tanzania

We booked our honeymoon today!! We are so very excited!! 

We will be leaving on the 9th of July, the day after our wedding, in the afternoon and we will be arriving on the 10th to the beautiful country of Tanzania! 

It has been our dream to go to Africa and do a Safari. I have wanted that for as long as I can remember and it is an absolute dream. Now it's just a question of being patient until the day arrives! 4 months to go!

Of all the places in Africa Tanzania caught our eyes immediately and we have already fallen in love with it and we are not even there yet! It brings tears to my eyes, I am silly like that.

- 3 days in the Selous (Safaris)
- 3 days in Ruaha  (Safaris)


- 5 days in the Island of Mafia for some super relaxation on the beach and swimming with whale sharks!

Whale Shark off Mafia Island

For lots of pictures that would give you an idea of just how amazing a place it is, check our travel company site:

Can wait for some honeymoon clothes shopping!! Could anyone ask for more? It will be the best holiday ever!

March 06, 2012

A little nice feeling

I had a cozy knicker moment today! Come on, you all know what I mean, that moment when you pull your knickers up and you get this feeling of complete comfort and coziness? You know what I am saying, you pull it right up on to your tummy and you are completely surrounded and nice (no I was not wearing granny knickers) ...I mentioned it to 2 of my colleagues in work today and they both started smiling and nodding, looking serene and saying "oh yeah". You know it!

A little bit of nice right there!


March 05, 2012

Not much to say...

...simply thank you to everyone that makes me smile. You make me a better person and  despite the bumps, the ups and the downs, my life is a beautiful place thanks to you.

March 04, 2012


Christoph and I went out this afternoon in search of the elusive plates we need for our wedding. Although unsuccessful in finding any that we wanted, I spotted this "The Complete Home Handywoman" book from 1977, which I thought was totally fabulous, even if just for checking out the amazing decors of the late 70s!

It really goes through everything from, amongst many other things, how to plan the lighting in your house, tiling, hang wallpaper, upholstery and plumbing!

The really cute thing about it, is the little inscription inside on the first page, obviously from a mother to her daughter as a Christmas present. I love little finding little human stories in random objects

March 03, 2012

March 01, 2012

This week...

...has been really stressful. I've had some health issues that I have been dealing with, work has been busy and confusing...

I won't go into the whole health thing as I won't bore anyone with it, I've done enough of that already.

So instead I will bore you with work moaning! Yay!! It is really busy as I have too much to do. This is also my second week since I went back to my old job and left my managerial interim post. I don't miss it, that is not the problem, but I don't know, I feel a little lost and I am finding really hard to work out what I want to do and where I want to go from here. I'm sure it is all quite normal and most people go through this at some point but...well it sucks - a very philosophical conclusion from me...

Apart from that, it has been (still is) really stressful wedding organising wise. Just little things not exactly going wrong but not being straight forward either: honeymoon, hen do, marquees, blah blah blah.

I was about to say can't wait for the week end but I have the work emergency phone so the week will continue to be poo throughout the week end. 
